Summary LO is seeking a Learning Coordinator and Data Specialist to develop sustainable learning practice and help build out our information sharing culture. Working in close collaboration with our Director of Technology and the Executive Director, you will contribute to a strategic plan to realize the information sharing culture within the collaborative. You will be responsible for reaching out to and working with researchers, landowners, and restoration practitioners to help them build out property and project pages on our web-based community sharing platform.
About Living Observatory Living Observatory (LO) is a public interest learning community founded in 2011 to complement the comprehensive stream and wetland restoration at Tidmarsh Farms. Incorporated in 2015 as a 501(c)3 non-profit-organization, our mission is to tell the long-term story of ecological wetland restorations on retired cranberry farms, and to advance scientific knowledge and public understanding of wetland ecology. We do so by building an interdisciplinary learning community of technologists, scientists, artists, educators, students, restoration experts and policy makers who are working on ecological restoration projects, measuring the long-term change in ecological function, and creating experiences that invite the public to witness these changes.
Position Description Living Observatory seeks a Learning Coordinator and Data Specialist for a 12-month position working on contract. This is a new position. In coordination with our Executive Director and Director of Technology, you will be working at the interface of stakeholders and technologies. You will help develop criteria, scenarios, and implementation of LO’s program of collaborative summits and workshops. In collaboration with the Board and the Executive Director, you will participate in shaping fundraising initiatives. In short, you will be responsible for the stewardship of our public facing engagements and coordination amongst our members. Why12months?Werecently received a grant to enhance the capacity of the organization and it is the first time we are hiring for this position- we are committed to its success. If the position is on a positive trajectory after the first four months, we will pursue additional funding to extend the position.Activities Wearelooking for someone with environmental communication and program coordination experience across technical and non-technical audiences that is keen to work with community members, academics and government agencies to collate, evaluate and share learnings from the LO community. Your work will span outreach to researchers, landowners and project partners, to encourage and support project updates, data collation, donor database development, and website/social media/newsletter communications.
To be successful in this role, you will: ● Leverageyourcreativity. Employ creative problem-solving skills to identify challenges and adaptive solutions. ● Articulate deliverables and timeline. Use your task planning skills to manage your time efficiently. ● Listeneffectively and be responsive. Provide support to the LO community through project design and scoping, data entry, and communications. ● Createresources. Produce resources on the LO website as well as participatory workshops over zoom that serve the interests of LO members.
Qualifications Candidates must have: ● Experience with outreach and communications in one or more fields: restoration, environmental science, land use management, or climate change. ● Strongwritten, visual, and verbal communication skills. ● Independentuseof webplatforms like squarespace, mailchimp, trello/airtable, little green light. ● Project management experience and self-management skills to work in outcomes-oriented teams. Wewill prioritize candidates who can bring: ● Creative, naturally curious, and willing to take intellectual risks ● Basicorintermediate skills in web development and data entry ● Empathyandpassionfor community-led restoration initiatives ● Experience communicating to many different audiences from social media, journal articles, government and NGO convening and meetings ● GrantWriting Compensation This is a consulting position with flexibility of working up to 30 hours a week.